APO Coat of Arms

Service Vice-President
Fellowship Vice-President
Membership Vice-President
Other Officers
Charman of the Advisory Committee

Carnegie Mellon
CMU Student Organizations
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Other Officers

Recording Secretary
Kim Elger s81 s82?
Lisa Covi s82 f82
Lynn McKenna f82 s83
Herb Fickes s83 f83
Kathy Cokely f83 s84
Jocelyn Jones
Paula Walsh f86
Matthew Daly s87 f87
Elaine Tomko s88 f89
Karen Daly s89
Chris Sepples f89 s90
Matt Bamberger f90
Dave Conklin s91
Mary Campbell f91
Susan Gondran s92
Mattt Myers f94
Brian Kidder s95
Kat Smith f95
Brian Humensky s96
Laura Valentine f96
Trevor Schadt s97
Tom Maher f97 (resigned)
Jason Grosman f97 (took over)
Todd Zimnoch s98
Edwin Chan f98
Edwin Chan s99
Daniel Hannum f99
Andrea Okerholm s00 f00
Sharon Adamik s01
Christina Prested f01 s02 (resigned)
Marta DePaul s02 (took over)
Recording Secretary ceased to exist after Spring 2002

Corresponding Secretary
Chuck Lawton s82 f82
Teri Lynn Breier
Susan Hayden (the 2 semesters right before Matthew Daly)
Matthew Daly s88
Mary Beth Healy f88
Ruth Delano s89
Susan Gondran f89 s89
Mike Balsam f89 (part of the semester)
Drew Potratz s90 (part of the semester)
Susan Gondran s90 (remainder of the semester)
Ann Kopchik f90 (elected but did not return)
Helga Yang f90
Eric Richardson s91
Kevin Cooney f94
John Studarus f95
Harsha Hakkal s96
Kevin Vicklund s97
Shafeeq Sinnamohideen s98
Jesse Starflower s99 (until his resignation)
Josh Grim s99 (took over)
Chaitra Hakkal f99
Mike Creegan s00
Kevin Haughwout f00
S01 Michael Creegan s01 (until his resignation)
S01 Matt Fagan s01 (took over)
Kevin Haughwout f01 (resigned 2001-09)
Ed Chuang f01 (took over 2001-09)
Rick Smith s02
Corresponding Secretary ceased to exist after Spring 2002

(created when Rec Sec and Corr Sec were merged in Spring, 2002)
Mike Klipper f02
Lacey Neagle s03 f03
Ashley President s04
Melitta Andersen f04
Bridget Lewis s05
Savina Imrhan f05
Bridget Lewis s06
Alena Meade f06
Megan Martik s07
Larissa Chopyk f07

Paul Kohlbrenner?
Dan Nash
Beth Byers s83 f83
Sarah Gaffen s87 f87
Judy Haraburda s88
Lenore Michels f89
Mo Joyce f88 s89
Dave Svoboda s90
Drew Potratz f90 (part of the semester)
Connie Wai f90 s91
John Huebner f91
Rob Earhart s92
Lynne Powell f92
Dave Stott f94
Brigit Tuxen s95
Deanna Rubin f95 s96
Mauricio Vives s97 f97
Jen Rode s98
Jon Wildstrom f98 s99
Mason Kincaid f99 s00
James Raskob f00 (Ashley Gross was elected but resigned before taking office)
Karolina Werner s01 (Terri Lacombe was elected but resigned before taking office)
Christina Prested f01
Rick Smith s02 f02 s03 (Historian became an appointed office in Spring 2002)
Kevin Chang
Melitta Andersen s07

Alumni Relations Coordinator
Ruth Delano s88
JoAnn Cirra f88
Meg Veily f89 s89
John Helmsen s90
Dave Lee f90
Nanci Miller f90 (part of the semester)
Jocelyn Parks s91
Kevin Vicklund s97
Jen Rode s98
Edwin Chan f98
Jason Grosman s99
David Greenwald f99
Lynna Quandt s00
Tim Wescott f00
Michael Creegan s01 (until resignation)
Matt Fagan s01 (took over)
Josh Grim f01 (resigned 2001-09)
Terri Lacombe f01 (took over 2001-09-30)
Andrea Okerholm s02 f02 (ARC became an appointed office in Spring, 2002)
Josh Grim s03-?
Larissa Chopyk s07

Sergeant at Arms
Shih Tung Ngiam
Mark Abromowitz
Matthew Daly s86-?
Jeff Cantor 10/89-?
Tom Strong
Debbie Cherry
(Appointed before 1995, elected afterward)
Yerin Kay
Bryan Nagy s96 f96
Greg Zornetzer s97 f97
Edwin Chan s98
John Meier f98
Lawrence Solomon s99
Mike Creegan f99
Josh Grim s00 f00
Mason Kincaid s01
James Raskob f01
(unknown) s02 (Mike Creegan was elected but left CMU before taking office)
Andrea Knight f02 (S@A became an appointed office again in Spring 2002)
Stephen Mandzak s03-
Izzy Buckser -F05
Eli Gwynn s06
Stephanie Sydlik f06
Laura Meng s07

Pledge Class President
Lynnette Zana f81
JP Geld s84
Jamie Meacham s86
Jamshid Mahdavi f86
Paul Delano s87
Ruth Delano f87
Marci Vail s88
Vince Mulhern f88
Paul Massey s89
Nanci Miller f89
Debbie Cherry s90
Christian R. Williams f90
Arch Moberly s92
Brigit Tuxen s94
Ben Cordes f94
Dana Antill s95
Natasha Jackson f95
Mike Podlipsky s96
Ana Wilson f96
Joel Swehla s97
Heather Devine f97
Michael Creegan s98
Gary Young f98
Daisy Church/Lynna Quandt s99
Ashley Gross f99
Becky Berngartt s00
Matt Fagan f00
Kate Bankson s01
Dan Hook f01
Debbie Hugh s02
Michelle Birchak f02
Claire Wagner s03
Kristen Giessler f03

The rest of these change from semester to semester, I'll be happy if I
manage to get the Pledge Class President each time.

Concessions Chairman
Chuck Lawton f82-f84
JP Geld s84-
Ron Manilla  s86-f87
Curt Equi	supposedly f87
John Silvestri  not long after he pledged-4/89
Mike "X" Mantarro 4/89-?
Matt Bamberger s92
Nate Szewczyk s93
Dave Stott ? - s96ish
Ben & Mauricio s96 - f97?
Roger Smith s98
John Meier f98-s99
Mason Kincaid f99-s01
James Raskob f01-f02
Michelle Birchak s03
Stephen Mandzak f03-S05
Stefanie Sydlik f05
Grant Van Nostrand f05-

Matthew Daly f88
Randy Finder s89 f89 s90
Jeff Cantor f90
Tom Strong
Tim Showalter
Eric Moore f94
Will Frank s95
(discontinued in 1995)

Scouting Committee Chairman
Milton Smith  85?-s88
Jeff Cantor f88-f90
Bruce Pollock f90-?

Pledge Class Service Vice-President
Jeff Cantor f87
Meg Veily s88
Susan Gondran f88
Eric Richardson s89
Julie Sterbank f89
Jocelyn Parks s90
John Huebner f90
Shawn Knight s92 (just "VP", only VP for pledge class)
Kevin Vicklund s96
Wendy Gable f01 (just "VP", only VP for pledge class)
Tim Bauer s02 (just "VP", only VP for pledge class)
Ashley President f02
Jenna Fu s03
Katie Strausser f03

Pledge Class Fellowship Vice-President
Harriet Kupferman s87
Bill Swarm f87
Lisa Christina s88
Rudy Zung f88
Jean Schutty s89
Connie Wai f89
Timothy Scoff s90
Amy Henrick f90
none s92
Shweta Nagendra s96
Jonathan Garcia f02
Phoebe Wu s03
Le Ngo f03

Pledge Class Recording Secretary/Treasurer
Karl Bechtel s87
Mary Beth Healy f87
Mike Balsam s88
Jay Libove f88
Lu Carter s89
Matt Bamberger f89
Dan Davis s90
DP Stephens f90
Lynne Powell s92
Jeffe Boats & Trey Smith s96 (Secretary)
Daniel Tilkin s96 (Treasurer)
Marta DePaul f01 (Secretary)
Jackie Kirchhoff f01 (Treasurer)
Julia Myers s02 (Secretary)
Erik Andreassen s02 (Treasurer)
Brian Leahy f02 (Secretary)
Divya Jesuraj f02 (Treasurer)
Elizabeth Buckser s03 (Secretary)
Alice Ching s03 (Treasurer)
Amy Liu f03 (Secretary)
Melitta Anderson f03 (Treasurer)

Pledge Class Historian
Jenni Severa s87
Conrad Zapanta f87
Dan Casey s88
Kurt Jurgen Schaeffer f88
Mary Campbell s89
Pam Bernhardt f89
Helga Yang s90
Dave Evans f90
Kevin Vicklund s96
Karolina Werner f00

This web site is maintained by Tom Strong (K-1030) <tomstrong@gmail.com>. Please send him any suggestions, comments, updates, or corrections you may have for it.

Page generated 2013-01-15 23:52:45 EST