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Order of the Arrow Want List
Order of the Arrow Duplicates

Patch Listings
Enda Lechauhanne

Historical Information

Chimalus (242A) Patches

This is still an early prototype of a patch listing page/site.
Lodge ID Issue Brdr Col Brdr Type Back Col Name Col FDL Col Comments Image
242A A-01 RED C LBL RED No image
242A C-01 DBL WHT 115x125 mm Native American head; type 6A; PUR bird; tail in front of arrow; (WAB) No image
242A C-02 DBL WHT 80x85 mm Native American head; type 6B; PUR bird; tail behind arrow No image
242A C-03a DBL WHT 85x85 mm; DBL bird; type 8B; off-WHT bkgd; MVE No image
242A C-03b DBL WHT bright WHT bkgd; type 8A No image
242A C-03c DBL WHT type 8C No image
242A F-01a BLU C LBL RED ORG chest; FF No image
242A F-01b BLU C LBL RED PCH chest No image
242A F-02 RED R LBL RED 53x125 mm; MTZ; MVE: LBL & GRY twill No image
242A F-03a RED R BLU RED 51x118 mm; TLM; LB; MVE: OLV & LOV Bdr top of river No image
242A F-03b RED R BLU RED TLS; LB; MVE: OLV & LOV Bdr top of river No image
242A N-01.50 RED P WHT RED EMB; RED sewn on felt arrow No image
242A N-01 RED P WHT RED EMB; RED sewn on arrow No image
242A N-02 RED P WHT BLK RED SSC; BSA; "15th ANN 1958"; 2 rhinestone studs" No image
242A N-03 RED P WHT RED SSC; "20th ANN" No image
242A P-01 RED R M/C RED QC No image
242A X-0.5 RED Red linen arrow No image
242A X-0.6 RED Red felt arrow No image
242A X-01 DBL WHT felt on felt; DBL bird; tail in front of arrow; WAB No image
242A X-02 DBL C WHT BLU No image
242A ZC-01 DBL BLU RED type 9A; chenille; SS; RND Chapter issue No image
242A ZC-02 DBL WHT arrowhead; some consider real No image
242A ZX-01 DBL C WHT RED poor EMB; fake of X2 No image
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Page generated 2018-11-09 06:32:09 EST