A quick survival guide for Andrew - Tom Strong, '93 (This file is available on Andrew as ~ts49/andrew.basics) This presumes that you have a decent working knowledge of computers. It would also be helpful if you are somewhat familiar with either MS-DOS or UNIX, but this shouldn't be absolutely necessary. It's primarily a list of useful commands, occasionally with the MS-DOS equivalent. rtfm - "Read The 'Fine' Manual", a help file browser. Start by typing "rtfm rtfm" to find out more about how to use it. help - similar to rtfm, but menu driven and with a fancy graphical user interface. Slower, and only works on the workstations (can't be used over a modem). cd - like MS-DOS, but cd without an argument takes you back to your home directory. cd ~ will do the same thing. Remember, in UNIX the directory separator is /, not \. cd .. works the same as in MS DOS. ~[insert a userid here] will expand to the entire path to the person's home directory. pwd - "print working directory". Tells you what directory you're in. ls - list files. Gives a list of the files in the current directory, can be given an argument, like ls ~bob to see the files in bob's home directory. By default, ls does not list files who's names start with a period (don't ask, it's a UNIXism). In order to see all files in a directory, use "ls -a" (list all) instead. If you want to see the size of the files, use "ls -l" (long listing). That will give the file sizes in bytes. mkdir - creates a directory (same as DOS) rmdir - removes a directory (only if empty) (same as DOS) rm - removes one or more files cat - types a file to the screen (same as DOS "type" command) more - types a file to the screen, but stops once the screen is full and waits for you to press the space bar. Useful for large files. Can also be used like DOS more command if you are familiar with it. ez - Editor, has a fancy graphical interface. Can only be used on the workstations (not over a modem). emacs - Better editor. No fancy graphics, but can be used anywhere. For those of you in the neural net group, I'd reccomend learning emacs. An online tutorial is available, follow the instructions in the startup screen. messages - Mail/bboard reader. Similar to help and ez, fancy graphics, won't work over a modem. batmail - better mail/bboard reader. Runs inside emacs, once you have it running, type '?' and follow the directions. (I'd reccomend at least being familiar with emacs first.) passwd - change password fs lq - "file system list quota" (don't blame me, I didn't make it up). Tells you how much of your file quota you have used, and how much space you have left. csh - the command interpreter that you're running when you log in. You probably won't run it manually, but a lot of common questions can be answered by looking through the help file for it. logout - log out. exit - similar to logout Here's where the fancier stuff starts. < , > , >> , | - used for input/output redirection (more or less the same as DOS). See the help file for csh for more info. ^Z , & , bg , fg - multitasking commands. See the help available on csh for more info. fs sa , fs la - directory protection commands. Bizzare, and only useful on Andrew. See the help on fs if you're interested. faq - not a command at all, but a help file giving answers to frequently asked questions. Once you know how to get around a little, try reading through this file and seeing what options you have.