APO Coat of Arms

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K-0131 - James W. Useller

Born January 28, 1922 in Warren, OH
Arrived at CMU 1940
Majoring in Chemical Engineering
Class of 1948
Scouting: Joined June 1934 Butler Troop 3. Transferred to Butler Troop 11, later changed to Butler Troop 6, currently ASM Troop 43, Pittsburgh
Other activities: Manager of Track (Freshman, Varsity), Manager of Cross Country (Freshman and Varsity), Rho Chapter of Phi Kappa
Initiated December 14, 1941
BS 1948 ME CIT
Passed away June 28, 1969

This web site is maintained by Tom Strong (K-1030) <tomstrong@gmail.com>. Please send him any suggestions, comments, updates, or corrections you may have for it.

Page generated 2013-05-04 14:52:03 EDT