

Jamaican Pledge

Before God and All mankind.
I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart
The wisdom and courage of my mind,
The strength and vigour of my body
in the service of my fellow citizens.

I promise to stand up for justice,
Brotherhood and Peace, to work diligently and creatively,
To think generously and honestly, so that,
Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship
and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare
of the whole human race.
A shorter pledge for schools: "Before God and all Manking I peldge my love, my loyalty and my skills in the service of Jamaica and my fellow citizens. I promise to work diligently and to help build a prosperous and peaceful nation."

National Anthem

Eternal Father bless our land, 
Guide us with Thy Mighty Hand 
Keep us free from evil powers, 
Be our light through countless hours. 
To our Leaders Great Defender, 
Grant true wisdom from above. 
Justice, Truth be ours forever, 
Jamaica Land we love. 
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love. 

Teach us true respect for all, 
Stir response to duty's call. 
Strengthen us the weak to cherish, 
Give us vision lest we perish. 
Knowledge send us Heavenly Father, 
Grant true wisdom from above. 
Justice, Truth be ours forever, 
Jamaica, land we love. 
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.

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This page is maintained by Tom Strong <strong@dementia.org>. If you find an error or omission on these pages, I would appreciate an update or correction.

Page generated 2003-06-16 18:15:20 EDT